Calvin is just growing up way too quickly. He has a vast vocabulary and says complete sentences (i.e. “Daddy, I read book” ) Everyday Derek and I are just amazed at how much he knows. Yesterday as I drove home from work, he pointed out the window clearly saying Dunkin Donuts, and then saying "Mommy coffee", "Calvin muffin" which only means Derek and I drink too much coffee We are having so much fun with him although I’m still sad at how fast the time has gone……
I spent the Father's Day with Pop pop on a choo-choo train. Wrapping presents for Daddy's Birthday. Me in my cuddle spot under my blanket. Me brushing my teeth in my new Kohl's Doggie towel. Getting my third haircut, this time the lady buzzed me. Eating at the table

And hanging out with Juna and my best buddy, Daddy :-)

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